胸花是新郎和伴郎身上的焦点配件之一,但其中的设计样式却很容易被忽略。许多花艺甚至连问都不问男士们的个人特色和在婚礼当天的整体造型,就统一使用一朵红色或粉红色玫瑰单调带过。虽说大多数男士们或许对花艺不太了解,但过于女性化或不符合服装风格的胸花,其实也会让新郎和伴郎们感到尴尬。除了与新娘捧花和婚礼主题相呼应外,时尚胸花的设计也越来越有男人味,成现出属于绅士的气质和率真简约的风范。而花艺设计其中的秘密在哪里? 巧妙运用以下深受现代男性喜爱的胸花花材,就能打造出连男生也会喜欢的花艺配件!
森林风 最佳绿叶
Floral: 1. Flowerwild (photo by Jose Villa Photography) | 2. Mindy Rice (photo by Jose Villa Photography) | 3. Les Productions de La Fabrik (photo by Le Fleuriste Du Coin) | 4. Bows and Arrows (photo by Ryan Ray Photography)
莓果类 果实花材
Floral: 1. Mindy Rice (photo by Jose Villa Photography) | 2. Bows and Arrows (photo by Ryan Ray Photography) | 3. Designs by Hemingway (photo by Christine Clark) | 4. Jolly’s Floral (photo by D’Arcy Benincosa Photography)
田园风 小巧野花
Floral: 1. Kim Williams The Enchanted Florist (photo by Esher & Smith) | 2. Jaclyn Journey (photo by Natalie Watson) | 3. Flory Photo and Nirav Photography | 4. Anthology Co (photo by Katie Lopez Photography)
Floral: 1. Daffodil Parker (Photo by The McCartneys Photography) | 2. Megan Wilkes (photo by Heather Hawkins) | 3. Art with Nature (photo by Michael Radford Photography) | 4. Melle Anaiis (photo by Sophie Delaveau)
Floral: 1. Southern Blooms (photo by Katie Stoops Photography) | 2. Emily Scannell Photography | 3. Madame Arisan Fleur (photo by Jose Villa) | 4. Rachel May Photography