打造一場輕鬆愉悅、以真心交流的慶典,是許多現代新人的心願。比起繁瑣的儀式和過於嚴肅的氣氛,能夠自在走動、彼此互動的相聚,顯得更加難忘。隨著婚禮的風格走向越來越輕鬆,美食的呈現方式也越來越有創意,以促進互動、方便食用,和多樣化選擇為主要目標,不斷帶給賓客意猶未盡的驚喜! 無論是一口吃完的精緻份量、可自己動手調配的創意料理bar、現場由專業廚師表演製作的美食秀,還是充滿遊樂園意境的歡樂美食車,別出心裁的巧思總是能帶來令人難忘的效果! 讓以下的摩登婚宴美食,為你打造視覺與味覺的雙重饗宴!
Credits (left to right from the top): Olivia Leigh Photographie / Elyse Hall Photogrpahy / Betsy Blue Photography / Ruth Eileen Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): CJK Visuals / Oliver & Bonacini / Jessica Burke / Ten22 Studio
Credits (left to right from the top): Michael and Anna Costa Photography / KT Merry Photography / Rachel Red Photography / Geneoh
速食升級 Comfort Food
Credits (left to right from the top): Amy & Stuart / Pizzazzerie / KT Merry Photography / Rachel McGinn
Credits (left to right from the top): Lisa Renault Photographie / Good Life Eats / Michael + Anna Costa / Onehope Wine / Colin Miller / Maxeen Kim Photography
自助美食吧 & 歡樂美食車
Credits (left to right from the top): Ruth Eileen Photography / Troy Grover Photographers / Josh Gruetzmacher Photography / Jose Villa / Sur La Table / Ruth Eileen Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): Layered Bake Shop(photo by Bows and Arrows) / Dean Schmideg / Amy & Jordan Photography / Amy & Jordan Photography