在海邊舉行一場浪漫的婚禮,是許多女孩夢想中的畫面,而海洋風主題,也成為夏季十分熱門的婚禮設計指標。應景的創意巧思和佈置,可以讓妳的主題婚禮如同電影情節般美麗浪漫! 讓以下的創意靈感,成為妳的設計導航!
Credits (left to right from the top): Love is My Favorite Color / Sean Cook Wedding Photography / Flying Bride / Clary Pfeiffer Photography / Le Reve Events
Credits (left to right from the top): Twah Dougherty / Tec Petaja / Sandals Resorts / Krista A. Jones / Lauren Fair Photography / Magda Lukas
Credits (left to right from the top): Still55 Photography / Meg Miller Photography / Carmen Santorelli Photography / Christie Graham Photography / Axioo / Axioo
Credits (left to right from the top): SO photography / Ruth Eileen Photography / KML Photography / KT Merry Photography / Sandra Hutzen Fotografie / Love & Light Photographs