蜜桃粉橘色 (peach) 是近年来在欧美婚礼界人气直逼粉红色的春夏色彩,被称为现代新娘眼中的「新世代粉红色」。蜜桃粉介于橘与红中间的色泽带着自然清新的甜美,柔和浪漫却不失纯真的特质,让它受到年轻新娘的喜爱。不论与红、黄、蓝、绿等主题色彩结合,都能巧妙配搭,在花艺领域中更是备受瞩目。透过以下的浪漫蜜桃粉捧花作品,与我们一起感受甜蜜温馨的春夏气息!
浅蜜桃色 x 白色配搭
Credits (from the top, left to right): Jose Villa Photography / Sarah Kate / Dyanna Joy / Anita Martin Photography / Ashley Caroline / Going Lovely
Credits (from the top, left to right): The Nolans / Sally Pinera / PomTree / Kina Wicks Photography
Credits (from the top, left to right): Caroline Tran / Jordan Brittley / Jen Huang / Ryon Lockhart Photography / Elyse Hall Photography / Caroline Tran
Credits (from the top, left to right): Sonya Khegay / Christine Lim / Bit of Ivory Photography / Alexandra Steele Photography