穿上一雙美麗的婚鞋,帶著自信踏上幸福之路,是每個新娘心中的憧憬。根據世界統計,女孩們夢寐以求的理想婚鞋絕大多數出自於名設計師之手,也讓這些價格不斐的設計成為婚鞋界的名牌及指標。但現代新娘更想知道除了這些大名牌外,還有哪裡能找到外表浪漫耀眼、穿起來舒適,價格又可接受的婚鞋? 讓以下的絕美作品為妳解答!
Bella Belle Shoes
Harriet Wilde
Credits (left to right from the top): Naomi Kenton / Naomi Kenton / Clary Photo / Jo Bradbury Photography / Naomi Kenton / Lucy Davenport
Emmy Shoes
Credits (left to right from the top): Kristine Barboza / Emma Pilkington / Kristine Barboza / Naomi Kenton / Kristine Barboza / Emma Pilkington
Christy Ng
Credits (left to right from the top): Chamber Bliss / Stella Druce / Christy Ng / Christy Ng / Jackson Signature Photography / Chamber Bliss / Christy Ng
Bride and You
Charlotte Mills
Credits: Jonny Draper
Bella Belle Shoes | Harriet Wilde | Irostyle | Emmy Shoes | Christy Ng | Bride and You | Charlotte Mills