對戀人們來說,找到歸屬的感覺,就是能在對方面前自由地做自己,而最幸福的事,莫過於和最愛的人一起追求屬於你們的夢想。用影像表達出獨一無二的歸屬感和幸福,就是現代新人對於婚紗攝影的期許。2016 年婚紗照趨勢以「生活化的自然互動」,和「夢想旅程」為主軸,無論是旅遊婚紗還是精心設計的場景,用創意為新人打造屬於他們的夢想空間,並捕捉兩人相處過程中,最真實不造作的戀愛畫面。讓今年的七大婚紗攝影趨勢帶領你擺脫千篇一律的刻板畫面,快去尋找能幫你實現夢想的攝影師, 共同用影像表達自我!
Credits (left to right from the top): Mono Pictura / Mary Moon / Julia Winkler / Axioo / Cappio Photography / Cappio Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): Jose Villa / Erica Velasco Photographers / Olga Siyanko / Amy Lashelle / Best Photography / Axioo Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): Dawn Photography / Dana Fernandez Photography / L’Amour de Paris / Kimberly Florence Photography / Stephanie Parsley Photography
雪景 & 雨中浪漫
Credits (left to right from the top): Bryce Covey Photography / Alixann Loosle Photography / Anastasiya Belik / Wildflowers Photography / Sixpence / Ivan Zamanuhin / Cappio Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): Cappio Photography / Andreea Alexandroni Photography / Rebecca Yale Photography / Jana Williams Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): Jen Huang / Kayla Coleman Photography / 2018 Studio / Jen Huang / Pure Fotography
浪漫自然光 – 戶外約會
Credits (left to right from the top): Jasmine Lee Photography / Dina Chmut Photography / Jordan Voth Photography / Yurii Yatel / Ben Yew Photography