随着婚纱款式设计的新创意源源不断地崛起, 配搭新娘礼服的发型,也成了时尚焦点。在保持典雅气质的同时,摆脱传统造型的保守限制,把属于现代女性勇敢、独特,自由的时尚气势,完美呈现。从简洁锐利的高盘发,自由微乱的造型,成熟性感的长卷发,到清爽活泼的马尾,让以下的时尚女神系发型典范,帮妳耀眼登场,创造属于妳的浪漫舞台。
Credits (left to right from the top): Elstile / Jose Villa / Laura Gordon Photography / KT Merry / Elstile / Paula O’Hara
Credits (left to right from the top): Elstile / L’oreal / Elstile / Jana Williams
Credits (left to right from the top): Joseba Sandoval / André Teixeira / Krista Lee Photography / Carolly Fine Art Photography / Elstile / Koby & Terilyn Brown of Archetype
Credits (left to right from the top): Elstile / Elstile / Rebecca Yale Photography / Sally Pinera / Elizabeth McDonnell Photography / Tamara Gruner Photography
Credits (left to right from the top): Anastasia Strattan (photo by Stephanie Brazzle Photography) / Elstile / Marissa Lambert / Le Secret D’Audrey / Damaris Mia Photography / Em the Gem